Lua is not a Object-Oriented language. If we want to use concepts like “class, constructor, desctructor, member function”, we must use table or metatable to simulate.
<Programming In Lua> introduces a method to implement OO in lua.
Account = { balance=0, withdraw = function (self, v) self.balance = self.balance - v end } function Account:deposit (v) self.balance = self.balance + v end Account.deposit(Account, 200.00) Account:withdraw(100.00)
Another sample is for privated data:
function newAccount (initialBalance) local self = {balance = initialBalance} local withdraw = function (v) self.balance = self.balance - v end local deposit = function (v) self.balance = self.balance + v end local getBalance = function () return self.balance end return { withdraw = withdraw, deposit = deposit, getBalance = getBalance } end
CloudWu (famous chinese game maker) introduces another method for OO implementation
Lua has a important advantage, that is it could use module mechanism.
I will introduce some awesome modules for OO implementation in Lua.
First one is LOOP, its website is, you could download release file in website and put to your lua installation directory.
A good example is like following.
local oo = require “loop.simple”
Circle = oo.class()
function Circle:diameter()
return self.radius * 2
function Circle:circumference()
return self:diameter() * 3.14159
function Circle:area()
return self.radius * self.radius * 3.14159
endSphere = oo.class({}, Circle)
function Sphere:area()
return 4 * self.radius * self.radius * 3.14159
function Sphere:volume()
return 4 * 3.14159 * self.radius^3 / 3
endfunction show(shape)
print(“Shape Characteristics”)
print(” Side: “, shape.radius)
print(” Diameter: “, shape:diameter())
print(” Circumference:”, shape:circumference())
print(” Area: “, shape:area())
if oo.instanceof(shape, Sphere) then
print(” Volume: “, shape:volume())
endc = Circle{ radius = 20.25 }
s = Sphere{ radius = 20.25 }show(c)
Another active project for OO in Lua is lua-coat
require ‘Coat’
class ‘Point’
has.x = { is = ‘rw’, isa = ‘number’, default = 0 }
has.y = { is = ‘rw’, isa = ‘number’, default = 0 }overload.__tostring = function (self)
return ‘(‘ .. self:x() .. ‘, ‘ .. self:y() .. ‘)’
endmethod.draw = function (self)
return “drawing ” .. self._CLASS .. tostring(self)
endlocal p1 = Point{ x = 1, y = 2 }
You could find some other projects in luaforge. For example,
In lua-users, you could find a good item for Lua-OO.