浅论C++在Windows下的GUI自动测试(Unit Test)




这个东西不新鲜,就是unit test,几乎每个新兴的开源代码(以java、python、ruby为代表)都会有一个unittest字样的目录,里面就是一些主要的功能测试代码。可是为何我们一直没有很好的利用这个工具呢?

我想原因也很简单,unit test需要开发人员更好的对代码进行抽象化、模块化。有人一定会反驳说,对于GUI紧密相关的,没法做Unit Test。这是一个问题,但是不是绝对的,也不能成为不进行unit test的理由。关键还是要很好的做到MVC各个模块分离,降低他们之间的耦合度。

通常对于一个Windows程序员来说,一个GUI界面,会包含几个功能,一是按钮或者控件的响应,比如按下一个按钮,它要变成灰色,直到运行功能完成再恢复原状,或者是一个控件,点击一下会让用户输入,输入完成以后校验,根据校验的结果保存或者提醒用户出现问题。这些都是比较common sense的流程。




“接受用户输入、检查输入数据”,这一部分,显然是比较复杂的逻辑,涉及到Model和Control,View在这一部分可以被忽略掉,输入部分就是数据,输出部分就是检查的结果。很显然,这一部分可以被包装、抽象起来,自己单独做Unit Test。






Do a google for ‘TFUI’ – its a good technique for your problem.搜索一下“TFUI”,这是一个很好的技术,可以用来解决你的问题。(我找的结果是这里http://c2.c2.com/cgi/wiki?TestFirstUserInterfacesPrinciples)

Aside from that, the main approach is to treat the GUI library like any other 3rd party library – mainly, don’t try and unit test it, unit test your code that uses it.另外,主要的一点是应该把GUI库当作其他的第三方库来看待,不要试图对他们做单元测试,要测试使用这些库的代码。(简单说,就是不要测View界面部分,而是测试逻辑或者数据部分)

By this, I mean: ensure all of your logic (business rules, gui presentation rules, data retrival and updates, etc) are completed separated from the gui code. In your gui’s event handlers, don’t do anything except delegate to a plain old C++ Class.我是说:确保所有你的逻辑(商业逻辑,gui展示规则,数据存取更新等等)是完全的与界面代码分离,在GUI事件处理里面,不要做任何事情,除了代理到一个简单的C++类里。

By separating your code from the gui code, you can easily test your code, without having to even link to the gui library.通过分离代码(功能部分、规则部分)和GUI,就可以很容易测试代码而不需要连接到GUI库。

In software, abstract is usually the way to solve a problem.在软件中,抽象通常都是解决一个问题的办法。




Its a great book for working with un tested code, and for seeing how
to create ‘seams’ between areas like GUI libraries and our code.(这本书应该是《修改代码的艺术》)

For those interested in unit testing, a good guide that M Features,
myself and plenty of others use is:

A unit test does NOT :
* Use any file IO
* Connect to a db
* Present anything on screen
* communicate across a network.





The rational for this, is many, but boils down to forcing us to create
a design that is decoupled from these areas, which nearly always
results in a good, clean & highly cohesive design. For example, how
many times have we in the past put logic directly into a dialog
class? Where as with this style of testing, we force ourselves to
separate out the UI aspect from the logic part, resulting in us using
the MVC or MVP or Humble Dialog design patterns, as they allow us to
unit test the logic without going anywhere near the GUI.

The second major win is speed of test runs.

I can run 1200 unit tests in 42.7 seconds currently (and these are
Java unit tests!) because of following these guidelines. And because
they run soo fast the Team runs ALL tests ALL of the time.
Slow tests mean we run them fewer times, the less we run them, the
longer it is before we find out we broken something. The longer time
before finding out we broke something, the more costly it is to


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