分类: tech

  • Lua简介




  • 把脉-给自己做个技术“体检”



    ========  我的技术检查表 =========








    从2003年毕业到现在的这个公司工作,一直使用Visual C++做windows下的桌面开发。在此期间主要熟练于windows API、MFC、微软COM技术、C++基础、常用界面编程、调试技术、多线程编程。相关领域不太熟悉的是标准C语言编程、WTL、STL、数据库编程、网络编程。




    对于Python、Php、Java,现在可以达到跟着帮助写代码,熟练程度一般。针对Discuz论坛做过一些hack动作,针对google appengine写了一些demo,另外使用ROME库练习解析RSS。





    ****评语:针对软件开发工艺方面,学习make的使用,了解Mercurial版本管理,了解Code view方法及工具。在自己开发项目中尝试引入unit test(google test)。结合对“四人帮”经典的阅读,复习设计模式Reading group学习的知识。



  • Intel x86 Function-call Conventions – Assembly View中文版

    我翻译的中文版本,比较粗糙,但是对于理解Visual C++生成的汇编代码很有帮助。



    One of the “big picture” issues in looking at compiled C code is the function-calling conventions. These are the methods that a calling function and a called function agree on how parameters and return values should be passed between them, and how the stack is used by the function itself. The layout of the stack constitutes the “stack frame”, and knowing how this works can go a long way to decoding how something works.


  • Profiling C++ performance in windows

    Profiling in software


    In software engineering, performance analysis, more commonly known today as profiling, is the investigation of a program’s behavior using information gathered as the program executes (i.e. it is a form of dynamic program analysis, as opposed to static code analysis). The usual goal of performance analysis is to determine which sections of a program to optimize — usually either to increase its speed or decrease its memory requirement (or sometimes both).

    continue to read online:


  • Useful code snippet : GetBit & SetBit functions

    If you want to manipulate the bit in BYTE array, following functions are useful to you.

    BYTE GetBit(BYTE* pBuffer, int nBit)
        int bitOffset = nBit & 7;
        BYTE ret = pBuffer[nBit >> 3] >> bitOffset;
        ret &= 1;
        return ret;

    void SetBit(BYTE* pBuffer, int nBit)   
        BYTE val = 1 << (nBit & 7);
        pBuffer[nBit >> 3] |= val;

    For the GetBit, nBit is the bit offset you want to test.

    nBit & 7 is equal to nBit % 8, it will get bit offset for input parameter nBit.

    nBit >> 3 is equal to nBit / 8, it will get the byte offset in Byte array.

    Why we use bit operations instead of mod and div operation? The reason is simple, for the bit operation, it will generate more fast and simple assembly code. You could see my build result like:

    ; 160  :     unsigned int modVal = i % 8;

        mov    eax, DWORD PTR _i$[ebp]
        xor    edx, edx
        mov    ecx, 8
        div    ecx
        mov    DWORD PTR _modVal$[ebp], edx

    ; 161  :
    ; 162  :     unsigned int andVal = i & 7;

        mov    eax, DWORD PTR _i$[ebp]
        and    eax, 7
        mov    DWORD PTR _andVal$[ebp], eax

    The code is generated by VC2008 and disabled optimization. For mod operation "i % 8", it has "div" and will be slow then "i & 7".