Lua runtime code reading Lua运行期源代码分析阅读


You could download the project for VC2008 in

The project will use parameter like "c:\test.lua", and the lua script like above image.

The code starting point is pmain().


lua parser will parse the code file, and use LexState *ls to store the information.



After the binary code generating, opcodes will run in function luaV_execute().



for the code in standard library (c function), it will be called in function luaD_precall().


Output like:

 [luaD_precall] CFunc:0044D0E0 L->base:00393368 L->top:00393378 ci->func:00393358  ##

[pmain] 00393190 BEGIN ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[] func:0041E4C9 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E4C9 n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:00396B00 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E4C9 L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004265E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00396D10 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [assert] func:004265E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425F00 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00396DC0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [collectgarbage] func:00425F00 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426520 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003936B8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [dofile] func:00426520 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004256F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00396F90 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [error] func:004256F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425E90 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00396E78 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [gcinfo] func:00425E90 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425950 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397180 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [getfenv] func:00425950 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004257C0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397230 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [getmetatable] func:004257C0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004262E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003972E8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [loadfile] func:004262E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426360 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397040 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [load] func:00426360 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426180 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003970F0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [loadstring] func:00426180 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004260E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397630 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [next] func:004260E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426930 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003976E0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [pcall] func:00426930 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425320 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397790 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [print] func:00425320 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425CD0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397840 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [rawequal] func:00425CD0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425D60 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003978F0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [rawget] func:00425D60 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425DF0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003979A0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [rawset] func:00425DF0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426820 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397E90 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [select] func:00426820 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425BA0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397F40 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [setfenv] func:00425BA0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00425860 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397398 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [setmetatable] func:00425860 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004254F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397450 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [tonumber] func:004254F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426AC0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397500 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [tostring] func:00426AC0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426050 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397FF0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [type] func:00426050 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426690 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003980A0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [unpack] func:00426690 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004269F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00396800 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[_G] [xpcall] func:004269F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004276B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003983E8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00427770 n:1 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398440 L->top:003933B8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004260E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00398500 L->top:003933B8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00427620 n:1 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398558 L->top:003933B8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00427810 n:1 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398728 L->top:003933B8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00427110 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00396CB0 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[coroutine] [create] func:00427110 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426E70 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398AB8 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[coroutine] [resume] func:00426E70 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004273A0 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398B68 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[coroutine] [running] func:004273A0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00426C90 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398C18 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[coroutine] [status] func:00426C90 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004271E0 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398CC8 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[coroutine] [wrap] func:004271E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00427340 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00398D78 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[coroutine] [yield] func:00427340 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:2 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[package] func:0041E07D ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E07D n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:00398E28 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E07D L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043D480 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00398F90 L->top:003933B8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043BB60 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:003989E0 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[package] [loadlib] func:0043BB60 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043D140 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00399240 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[package] [seeall] func:0043D140 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043C850 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:00399410 L->top:003933D8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043C0B0 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:00399468 L->top:003933D8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043C520 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:003994C0 L->top:003933D8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043C6E0 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:00399518 L->top:003933D8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043CC80 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:00399C28 L->top:003933D8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [module] func:0043CC80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043C940 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:00399CD8 L->top:003933D8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [require] func:0043C940 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[table] func:0041E0C3 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E0C3 n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:00397A50 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E0C3 L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044C1F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00397DA0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [concat] func:0044C1F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044BC50 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A5C8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [foreach] func:0044BC50 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044BB20 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A678 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [foreachi] func:0044BB20 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044BE60 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A728 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [getn] func:0044BE60 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044BD60 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A7D8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [maxn] func:0044BD60 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044BF60 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A888 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [insert] func:0044BF60 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044C0C0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A938 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [remove] func:0044C0C0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044BEE0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039A9E8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [setn] func:0044BEE0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044C4D0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039AA98 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[table] [sort] func:0044C4D0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[io] func:0041E438 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E438 n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:0039AB48 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E438 L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435410 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039AD68 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [close] func:00435410 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00437230 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00393798 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [flush] func:00437230 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435E80 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039AFB0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [lines] func:00435E80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00436950 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B008 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [read] func:00436950 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00436FB0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039AEF0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [seek] func:00436FB0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004370C0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B1F8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [setvbuf] func:004370C0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00436EA0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B2A8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [write] func:00436EA0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004355B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B358 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [__gc] func:004355B0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435630 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B0B8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[(null)] [__tostring] func:00435630 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00437570 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039B650 L->top:003933C8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435410 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00399110 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [close] func:00435410 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004371A0 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:00399168 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [flush] func:004371A0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435BD0 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BAE0 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [input] func:00435BD0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435F70 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BB90 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [lines] func:00435F70 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004356D0 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BBE8 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [open] func:004356D0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435E20 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BC98 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [output] func:00435E20 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435A30 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BD48 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [popen] func:00435A30 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00436090 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BDF8 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [read] func:00436090 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435B20 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BE50 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [tmpfile] func:00435B20 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00435300 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BF00 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [type] func:00435300 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00436B10 n:0 L->top:003933B8 — cl:0039BF58 L->top:003933C8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[io] [write] func:00436B10 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00437450 n:0 L->top:003933C8 — cl:0039C070 L->top:003933D8 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004374C0 n:0 L->top:003933D8 — cl:0039C400 L->top:003933E8 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[os] func:0041E447 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E447 n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:0039C458 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E447 L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E7D0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039C7A0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [clock] func:0043E7D0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E860 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039C850 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [date] func:0043E860 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043F290 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00398150 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [difftime] func:0043F290 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E3B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00398200 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [execute] func:0043E3B0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043F460 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:003982B0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [exit] func:0043F460 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E750 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039CD40 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [getenv] func:0043E750 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E440 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039CDF0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [remove] func:0043E440 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E5B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039CE48 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [rename] func:0043E5B0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043F3A0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039CEF8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [setlocale] func:0043F3A0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043EEB0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039CFA8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [time] func:0043EEB0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043E660 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D058 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[os] [tmpname] func:0043E660 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[string] func:0041E0D7 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E0D7 n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:0039D108 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E0D7 L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00446810 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D458 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [byte] func:00446810 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004469C0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D508 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [char] func:004469C0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00446B50 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D5B8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [dump] func:00446B50 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00446CD0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D668 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [find] func:00446CD0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00449010 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D718 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [format] func:00449010 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00448880 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D7C8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [gfind] func:00448880 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004485A0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D878 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [gmatch] func:004485A0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004488E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D928 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [gsub] func:004488E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00445F80 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039D9D8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [len] func:00445F80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004463A0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039DA80 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [lower] func:004463A0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00448550 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039DB30 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [match] func:00448550 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004466A0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039DBE0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [rep] func:004466A0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:004461E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039DC88 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [reverse] func:004461E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00446030 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039DD38 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [sub] func:00446030 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:00446520 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039DDE0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[string] [upper] func:00446520 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[math] func:0041E6A9 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E6A9 n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:0039DF50 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E6A9 L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043A790 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E4A0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [abs] func:0043A790 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AB10 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E548 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [acos] func:0043AB10 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AAA0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E5F8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [asin] func:0043AAA0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043ABF0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E6A8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [atan2] func:0043ABF0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AB80 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E758 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [atan] func:0043AB80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AC80 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E808 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [ceil] func:0043AC80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043A950 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E8B8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [cosh] func:0043A950 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043A8E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039E968 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [cos] func:0043A8E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B160 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EA10 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [deg] func:0043B160 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B0F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EAB8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [exp] func:0043B0F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AD10 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EB60 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [floor] func:0043AD10 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043ADA0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EC10 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [fmod] func:0043ADA0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B260 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039ECC0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [frexp] func:0043B260 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B330 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039ED70 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [ldexp] func:0043B330 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B080 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EE20 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [log10] func:0043B080 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B010 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EED0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [log] func:0043B010 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B4B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039EF78 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [max] func:0043B4B0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B3D0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F020 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [min] func:0043B3D0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AE30 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F0C8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [modf] func:0043AE30 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AF80 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F178 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [pow] func:0043AF80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B1E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F220 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [rad] func:0043B1E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B590 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F2C8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [random] func:0043B590 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043B7B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F378 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [randomseed] func:0043B7B0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043A870 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F428 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [sinh] func:0043A870 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043A800 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F4D8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [sin] func:0043A800 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AF10 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F580 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [sqrt] func:0043AF10 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043AA30 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F630 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [tanh] func:0043AA30 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0043A9C0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039F6E0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[math] [tan] func:0043A9C0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaL_openlibs] lib->name:[debug] func:0041E7BC ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0041E7BC n:0 L->top:00393378 — cl:0039F880 L->top:00393388 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:0041E7BC L->base:00393388 L->top:00393398 ci->func:00393378  ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042C9E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B9A0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [debug] func:0042C9E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042B5F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039B9F8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [getfenv] func:0042B5F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042C790 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039BA50 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [gethook] func:0042C790 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042B6F0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039FE68 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [getinfo] func:0042B6F0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042BD80 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039FF18 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [getlocal] func:0042BD80 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042B450 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:0039FFC8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [getregistry] func:0042B450 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042B4B0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:004700C0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [getmetatable] func:0042B4B0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042C0E0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00470118 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [getupvalue] func:0042C0E0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042B650 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:004701C8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [setfenv] func:0042B650 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042C2C0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00470220 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [sethook] func:0042C2C0 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042BF40 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:004702D0 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [setlocal] func:0042BF40 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042B530 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00470380 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [setmetatable] func:0042B530 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042C250 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:004703D8 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [setupvalue] func:0042C250 ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0042CBF0 n:0 L->top:003933A8 — cl:00470488 L->top:003933B8 ##
[luaI_openlib] libname:[debug] [traceback] func:0042CBF0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##

[handle_script] BEGIN 1 ##

[luaY_parser] BEGIN @c:\md5test.lua ##
[open_func] new Proto *f:00471998 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:113F5F5B [[local]] ##
[statement] line:1 token: TK_LOCAL ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:E9A3B58A [[filename]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:A3511BC3 [[C:\Lua script for edscab\test1.txt]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:113F5F5B [[local]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00000001 OP-0x01 line:1 fs->pc:0 sizecode:4 sizelineinfo:4 ##
[statement] line:3 token: TK_LOCAL ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:BD7CE5AE [[clean_code_lines]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x0000000A OP-0x0A line:3 fs->pc:1 sizecode:4 sizelineinfo:4 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:0000144A [[aa]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:0000142A [[bb]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00004081 OP-0x01 line:3 fs->pc:2 sizecode:4 sizelineinfo:4 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:0000140A [[cc]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x000080C1 OP-0x01 line:3 fs->pc:3 sizecode:4 sizelineinfo:4 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:000015EB [[dd]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x0000C101 OP-0x01 line:3 fs->pc:4 sizecode:8 sizelineinfo:8 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:000015C9 [[ee]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00010141 OP-0x01 line:3 fs->pc:5 sizecode:8 sizelineinfo:8 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:113F5F5B [[local]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00014181 OP-0x01 line:3 fs->pc:6 sizecode:8 sizelineinfo:8 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x02804062 OP-0x22 line:3 fs->pc:7 sizecode:8 sizelineinfo:8 ##
[statement] line:5 token: TK_LOCAL ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00000087 [[f]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00001699 [[io]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00018005 OP-0x05 line:5 fs->pc:8 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00746576 [[open]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x0141C006 OP-0x06 line:5 fs->pc:9 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:E9A3B58A [[filename]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00000096 [[w]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x000000C0 OP-0x00 line:5 fs->pc:10 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00035338 [[for]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00020101 OP-0x01 line:5 fs->pc:11 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x0180809C OP_CALL line:5 fs->pc:12 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[statement] line:7 token: TK_FOR ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:0000155D [[li]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:052825C8 [[(for index)]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:525E0E6C [[(for limit)]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:75C68D1A [[(for step)]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x000240C1 OP-0x01 line:7 fs->pc:13 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:BD7CE5AE [[clean_code_lines]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00001682 [[do]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00800014 OP-0x14 line:7 fs->pc:14 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00024141 OP-0x01 line:7 fs->pc:15 sizecode:16 sizelineinfo:16 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00000087 [[f]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x7FFF80E0 OP-0x20 line:7 fs->pc:16 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[statement] line:8 token: 285 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:10EE60D2 [[write]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x014281CB OP-0x0B line:8 fs->pc:17 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:BD7CE5AE [[clean_code_lines]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:0000155D [[li]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00000087 [[f]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x00818006 OP-0x06 line:8 fs->pc:18 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x018081DC OP_CALL line:8 fs->pc:19 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[statement] line:9 token: 285 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:10EE60D2 [[write]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x014281CB OP-0x0B line:9 fs->pc:20 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00000957 [[^13^10]] ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:0003246B [[end]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x0002C241 OP-0x01 line:9 fs->pc:21 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x018081DC OP_CALL line:9 fs->pc:22 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x7FFF80DF OP_FORLOOP line:9 fs->pc:23 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:00000087 [[f]] ##
[statement] line:12 token: 285 ##
[luaX_newstring] hash:10F23D83 [[close]] ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x014300CB OP-0x0B line:12 fs->pc:24 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x010080DC OP_CALL line:12 fs->pc:25 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[luaK_code] instruction:0x0080001E OP_RETURN line:12 fs->pc:26 sizecode:32 sizelineinfo:32 ##
[close_func] L->top:00393388 Proto *f:00471998 sizecode:27 sizelineinfo:27 sizek:13 sizep:0 sizelocvars:7 sizeupvalues:0 ##n
[luaY_parser] END @c:\md5test.lua ##
[lua_pushcclosure] fn:0044D8F0 n:0 L->top:00393388 — cl:00471BE0 L->top:00393398 ##

[lua_pcall] BEGIN L->top:00393398 c.func:00393388 &c:0012F168 nargs:0 nresults:-1 ##
[luaD_precall] L->base:00393398 L->top:00393438 func:00393388 cl->p:00471998 p->code:00472110 ##

[luaV_execute] base:00393398 pc:00472110 L->top:00393438 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00000001 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0280004A OPCODE: OP_NEWTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00004081 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x000080C1 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0000C101 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00010141 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00014181 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x02804062 OPCODE: OP_SETLIST  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00018085 OPCODE: OP_GETGLOBAL  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0141C086 OPCODE: OP_GETTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x000000C0 OPCODE: OP_MOVE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00020101 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0180809C OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:1 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:004356D0 L->base:003933C8 L->top:003933E8 ci->func:003933B8  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x000240C1 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00800114 OPCODE: OP_LEN  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00024141 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x800140E0 OPCODE: OP_FORPREP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x7FFE00DF OPCODE: OP_FORLOOP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00818246 OPCODE: OP_GETTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0002C241 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x7FFE00DF OPCODE: OP_FORLOOP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00818246 OPCODE: OP_GETTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0002C241 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x7FFE00DF OPCODE: OP_FORLOOP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00818246 OPCODE: OP_GETTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0002C241 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x7FFE00DF OPCODE: OP_FORLOOP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00818246 OPCODE: OP_GETTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0002C241 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x7FFE00DF OPCODE: OP_FORLOOP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x00818246 OPCODE: OP_GETTABLE  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014281CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0002C241 OPCODE: OP_LOADK  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x018041DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:3 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00436EA0 L->base:00393418 L->top:00393438 ci->func:00393408  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x7FFE00DF OPCODE: OP_FORLOOP  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x014300CB OPCODE: OP_SELF  ##
[luaV_execute] 0x010040DC OPCODE: OP_CALL begin L->top:00393438 b:2 nresults:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:00435410 L->base:003933D8 L->top:003933E8 ci->func:003933C8  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:1 ##
[luaV_execute] 0x0080001E OPCODE: OP_RETURN  ##

[lua_pcall] END 0 ##

[handle_script] END ##

[pmain] 00393190 END ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:004355B0 L->base:00393368 L->top:00393378 ci->func:00393358  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:004355B0 L->base:00393368 L->top:00393378 ci->func:00393358  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:004355B0 L->base:00393368 L->top:00393378 ci->func:00393358  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:0 ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc:004355B0 L->base:00393368 L->top:00393378 ci->func:00393358  ##
[luaD_precall] CFunc return n:0 ##


《“Lua runtime code reading Lua运行期源代码分析阅读”》 有 1 条评论

  1. allen 的头像

    那个下载地址失效了 能否提供有效下载地址呢 谢谢 我也想调试下lua


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