

Microsoft – The Only Ones Following Web Standards!
Category: Programming | AlexTan
I’ve been doing work on a website recently, and I try to always stick to standards set by the W3C. Sure, call me a perfectionist, but following these standards can warn you of possible display errors in the browsers you don’t use. To figure out if your site follows web standards, you can go here. I checked out a list of tech websites, to see if many sites adhered to the standards, the results are pretty surprising.

Alienware – 48 Errors
Apple – 6 Errors
C|Net – 1452 Errors! The most!
Del.icio.us – 21 errors
Dell – 131 Errors
Digg – 7 Errors
Fedora – 1 Error
GNU – Complete Failure (encoding error).
Google – 48 Errors
HP – 29 errors
Konqueror – Passed Validation
Microsoft – 0 Errors What???
Mozilla – 0 Errors (Finally)
MSN – 0 Errors What??? Again.
Slashdot – 200 Errors (Slashdot has a mechanism that prevents you from validating, so I validated a Google cache of Slashdot.)
Sourceforge – 24 Errors
Sun Microsystems – 8 Errors
Suse – 3 Errors
Opera – 0 Errors
Redhat – 7 Errors
Wired – 51 Errors
Yahoo – 265 Errors Wow.

I’d just like to say kudos to Microsoft. For a company that does so many things wrong, they were actually able to pull off something perfect. Both MSN.com and Microsoft.com adhere perfectly to web standards! Every other company on this list needs to get their act together, especially C|Net with over 1000 errors! If you believe I made a mistake, or have other companies I should add to the list, go ahead and post in the comments.


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